That's right! I'm excited to announce that I am finished with the very first area of the game and moving on to the next one. That is one of three areas finished! And the next area is... The Yellow Desert! And I've already started it, as seen in the screenshot above! The screenshot has all colors unlocked. Of course, this is subject to change, but I wanted to show you guys what I have so far. It's a great feeling to move on from the first area, so I hope you guys are excited as I am for the full release. If you didn't know, I will not be doing a demo for this game, as the full version will be only around an hour to an hour and a half, and I feel a demo would be unsatisfactory. Another thing you may have noticed if you have a keen eye is that I changed the name from "Color Soul: Vertices" to "Color Soul: Memories". I really ended up not really liking the "Vertices" part of the old title and thought "Memories" fit the story of the game better. But with that, I'll see you in the next update. Have a great day!
Next up
April Devlog! New Creature, Groundwork Laid, and Progress Made!
Started Red Volcano Area! (10-10-19 Update)
Color Soul: Memories is Now Available on Xbox!
New Original Game Demo Out Now!
Name Change and New Screenshot! (6-22-19 Update)
Color Soul: Memories Sequel Announcement!!!
Official Dusttale Webcomic and 1 Million Views!
February Devlog! Demo Started, Future Plans, and More!
May Devlog! Optimizations, Detail Work, and Sections Complete!