For me, a large portion of the games I enjoy most share a common element. It doesn’t directly affect gameplay or visual appeal. The game could still exist and, perhaps, thrive without it. But good music does so much to improve the feel and playability of a good game. It adds to the atmosphere, improving the mood and motion. It often informs the player of the playable character’s emotions and warns of new dangers or the joy of new discoveries ahead.
This post is not to share or rank my favorite game music (which I’d like to do sometime. Maybe when at least one other person is reading this blog…) but to share a little piece of the music I’ve been working on for my game, Signal Islands. I plan to share story elements soon, along with more clear gameplay ideas. The music will, hopefully, work hand in hand with both of them. For now, though, I’d just like to share a small piece I’ve been working on.
{% soundcloud 366116243 [22A8A2] %}
The plan with these songs is that they will build themselves within the game engine. I will place each piece of the song (harmony, melody, bass parts, beats, atmosphere, etc.) individually into the engine and create a system wherein they will randomly come and go within each level, with some rules to make them fit seamlessly. The idea is an organic soundtrack that’ll be a little different every time, while still sounding cohesive and whole. That’s the plan anyways…
So the song I’m sharing today is a piece of a theme that might play between levels or early on.