Spongebob's Nights at Freddy's Remake

2 years ago

My 3 favourite parts making SNAF Remake

(Spoiler Warning!)

So, I would like to share 3 of my favourites in SNAF Remake, all the stuff I enjoyed putting in.

Note: There will be spoilers ahead, so please play the game first before seeing this.

  1. Opening Cutscene

    The opening to the game was probably the best part since I did do a lot of SFM Work, yeah...I did all of this by myself while my friends were working on the mapping of the game...It was a nightmare this was, but had a lot of fun making it.

  2. Chica Encounter

    This one was also a really good one, I wanted to make the encounter for Night 2 a first person view on Spongebob instead of putting a Model in I was like "I've wanted to make a first person view" and that's how it came to be.

  3. Mushroom Kingdom Nightmares Remake and FNAW The Hour Begins cameo appearance

    2 of my successors made a cameo appearance as posters during Night 4 as Spongebob is in a bit of a puzzle to get out of the Spring Bonnie suit, instead of the original putting YouTubers in the game I decided to put my other Fan-Games on as a cameo, probably to promote them...I guess...



Next up

Updated the office

Something new in the works

I don't care what you're thinking as you turn to me!


It's time to start Chapter 3.

Rat Race Production Update

Got a new project in the works. This time it's going to be original.

Got something new that is being worked on, this next project is going to be based on the FNAF Movie. Not going to share too much what it is, but it's something that people are probably wondering why I'm making this.


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

I love the Photo Mode in Epic Mickey Rebrushed.