4 days ago

My actual new year's resolution is to not make shit out of obligation.

(read le article for more info) (also slight vent warning)

I doit too often like "Oh I gotta' make a MMNNPIDAH comic this morning, can't disappoint the fans" no, doing something without planning will disappoint the fans because they'll get trash.

I also do this with Billy Nut Joe, "I haven't made an episode in a week" so I pump out some garbage in an hour.

"Just a bit of filler to buy some time" becomes ALL filler.

Besides, who tf is eagerly awaiting the next BNJR? NO ONE! So stop trying to shovel fuel into a furnace that isn't even lit!

If you're wondering which ones were made under this "obligation" mindset, it's probablly the ones that suck.

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Next up

Updated Spenny's bio to more accurately reflect him!

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's my 18th birthday today!

Hooray! Now I'm old enough to play all my favourite games :P

(for more read le article)

Hot Hot!

It's like fan service!

Happy 10th anniversary to SJSM!

Fanart from my sister!

Sorry for the dogwater camera quality :(


Here it is! I think this might be my favourite episode in this set so far!

Also, 2 more left until the movie!


Black Friday

(Gift for @en-en )