I just want to say, bravo for just Redoing the entire BFDI Horrors Saga @CrazyofGames , bravo, but I have such a huge problem with your series though, and here's why BFDI Horrors has that kind of problem for me to be honest with you though, and maybe using a faster version of Scratch, that is Turbowarp though, and let me tell you all about it though. And I'm not trying to hate you or anything @CrazyofGames
, but here's the problem with BFDI Horrors
Switching From Scratch To Turbowarp To Be Working On The Past Act And Not Redoing The Entire Series All Over Again:
Although you chose to Redo the entire BFDI Horrors saga with remodeled characters, I don't think you should do that, instead you should switch to Turbowarp instead just to continue The Past Act and not Redoing the entire series, that is the problem I have for your games, and you don't want to Redo the whole series all over again, and this would be better than redoing the entire series all over again, that is what @Xteirio told me about using Turbowarp for the 6th Game of Five Nightmares: The Past Act on Scratch a couple of days ago. But hey, at least I was happy with @EighthSea Unblocking and Apologizing to me about my Jolly Horrors Revival, that is The Return To The Attraction (that Jay called it The Return Of The Attractions in his deleted post about not reviving Jolly Horrors), but I am not happy about you redoing the whole series all over again @CrazyofGames
, I am not proud of that, You should have used Turbowarp for working on The Past Act of BFDI Horrors, not redoing the whole series all over again starting with The Funtime Act itself. But I suggest just doing The BFDI Horrors on Turbowarp and not Scratch @CrazyofGames
, it is way better than just redoing BFDI Horrors though, I really think it is a great Idea
Thats all I have to say now, See you on the Flip-Side