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Did the cover art for Chapter 2 though it wont be close to done for a long while
Gameplay Screenshots
Rooted Garden Chapter 2
Gameplay Screenshots Rooted Garden Chapter 1 Revisited
Me and a couple of friends are going to try and raise money for a suicide prevention project! (read below for more information)
@Fredinator he is now a mass murdering wendigo now in mah game :D
Scrapped Content
There was originally going to be a room in the fake exit hallway to act as a fake exit but when I test played it, it looked dumb and I didnt like it so I just covered it up :p
So my OCs had tiny alters, and here they are. Here's the CORE 3 of my OC's, you can use these as reference for arts of any form!
Fred - wendigo
Samantha - wolf
Void - Void rabbit
Drawings are by the talented: @MarineBlue , go check out her stuff! :)
Gamplay Screenshots
Rooted Garden Chapter 2