Raychard Brown: A 17 year old guy who loves explosive materials. He has his long fluffy back hair set up in a weirdly shaped ponytail. He's stupid, for no reason at all, I just call him stupid because fuck this guy bro on god, who he think he is?! (He/Him)
Jazz Wilson & Jams Wilson: They're twins, just that Jams is a bit shorter than Jazz. They're 17 years old, Jams being the first born, and they both love music, but have different tastes in it. Jazz has quite the temper while Jams is all hyper and likes to pull friendly pranks on his brother, which Jazz is not a fan of. (Both: He/Him)
Louis Adair: Jazz and Jams' cousin, who is just a chill 19 year old guy with a summer short sleeved shirt on. He hates wearing long sleeved tops, even during winter. (He/Him)
Leyton Yarrow: Leyton is a serious 22 year old guy with a long wolfcut. He looks to be a relaxed person, but he's very quick with everything. He's also a detective, been it since he was just 16 due to how easy he had it figuring stuff out that no one else could figure out. (He/Him)
Louis: Creature who has spikes made out of meat, and it also has holes on its body. Big open parts, making his organs show. (It/Its)
Ash Caddel: A 16 year old girl who loves being in cozy spaces and sleep. She's very strong, but even if she is often tired and wants to sleep, she can be very loud and chaotic with Jams specifically. (She/Her)