6 months ago

My COD Mobile loadouts

Each one themed with different styles and colour schemes

Which one is your favourite?

Master: basically my best load out using my favourite weapons the M16 and the Crossbow, all bold and gold

Rusher: A tactical load out for close range maps but still viable in general maps,

Marksman: basically rusher but for holding down lanes and long range fights.

Old: just wanted to make a old fashioned 20th century load out with the Garand and the Machine pistols

CHARGE!: shotgun.

Sneak: a favourite, using stealth to sneak around and kill enemies behind their backs in silence. Muhahahahaha.

Futuristic: using gadgets and gizmos and fancy weapons to win objective centered games

Bababooey: nothing quite like blowing up everything you see with nades and explosives >:)

Snoiper: another favourite, tearing through enemies with a sniper rifle in pure Platinum

Ninja: basically whacking people in the face with melee weapons and parkouring up buildings to ambush campers

  2 votes Voting finished



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#IslamFact #4

Contrary to Christianity In Islam, Satan/Shaytan was originally not a "fallen angel" but a jinn, a being made of fire called Iblis and doesn't rule over Hell, but rather tries to make people join him in Hell

Yes, the same Jinn as Genies

#IslamFact #6

As we all know, Islam has many, many guidelines on what to do and not to do

So here's a large list of EVERY MAJOR SIN in Islam

(There's a lot of them)

If there's any you don't understand, I'll be glad to expound

#IslamicFact #8

The Holy Qur'an in Surah Al-Mu’minun and Surah Al-Alaq describe the stages of human embryonic development, from a "clot" to a lump, then to bones and flesh, in surprising detail for a book revealed over 1400 years ago

#IslamFact #12

Muslims are credited with the invention of many things, such as Coffee, Soap, Algebra, and the Windmill

Just to name a few.

Comment about Why do you like Video Games in General.

#IslamFact #5

The Virgin Mary / Maryam bint Imran was mentioned more times in the Qur'an than in the New Testament. There's also a whole Surah/Chapter called Maryam all about her life and the birth of Isa/Jesus, which differs quite a lot from Christianity

#IslamFact #11

Similar to how Christianity has multiple branches like Catholics and Protestants, Islam also has multiple branches

By far the 2 largest are Sunni and Shi'as, with Sunni's being about 85% of all Muslims, and Shi'as 15%

Do you remember Zalgo?

BIG 200 LADS 🎉

All this and I still hardly know any Russian...

At least Duo hasn't taken my family yet 🙃