I'm repeating this: I'm joking and I don't hate Mystic
You wouldn't understand it unless you were in my discord server but basically we do this as a joke
My favorite hobby is cancelling Soukita daily (#IhateMystic #MysticStopBullyingMe #Frenemies #WaitWhat #SplendidTheFlyingSquirrel #ThisIsAJoke #MysticPleaseDontBullyMeForSayi #ingThatImJustANormalPerson #okbyeandrememberdontbullyme)
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Gijinkafied the Flaming Cupcakes
One of my first games, might as well remake it
ao kun!
Can't be Diego Kart without a cookie car
For those wondering, I did give up but I still wanted to post the final version, I might come back to it some day though!
(Repost in community) I have finally made my last scratch game, before I move on to other stuff! Now, I do have to say that the game takes a long time to load, but I will fix certain issues in the future (like I did last night). https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1114253063/