Cold Spaghetti (Pizzascape B)
Dungeon Freakshow (Bloodsauce Dungeon)
Oregano Mirage (Oregano Desert A)
Tombstone Arizona (Wasteryard)
Tropical Crust (Crust Cove)
Tubular Trash Zone (Oh Sh*t!)
Peppino's Sauce Machine (Peppibot Factory B)
Don't preheat your oven because you do the song won't play (R-R-Freezenator A)
Celsius Problems (R-R-Freezenator B)
There's a bone in my spaghetti! (PizzaScare)
Thousand March (WAR)
Unexpectancy (1-3) (Pizzaface/pizzahead Boss Fight)
Bye bye there (The Crumbling Tower of Pizza)
Calzonification (The Vigilante Boss Fight)
Pumpin' hot stuff (The Noise Boss Fight)
PIZZA TIME NEVER ENDS (Fake Peppino boss Fight)
It's pizza time
The Death that i deservioli (lap 2)
Pizza Mayhem (w/n vocals)
Secret Hoppin' (long edit)