2 years ago

My first story in Gamejolt 🫣

100 Billion, 100 Billion neurons in the human brain, 100 Billion euros had been invested in research, 100 Billion minutes Klaud had been in front of that screen, 100 Billion parameters would give life to a new artificial intelligence.

What started as a "toy" project that would allow you to finish university after 100 months had become the technology that would break society in half.

Time began to go in slow motion, refusing to let that inevitable moment take place. But finally, he pressed, took the enter key all the way down and released it, starting the experiment.

He put his hands to his eyes and begged that this would be the last time he would have to hit that worn-out button.

In a matter of milliseconds, the billions of chips in that computer castle absorbed all the knowledge humanity had digitized so far. Billions of trainings ran through the circuitry at the speed of light, testing billions of configurations, until they found the right one, the optimal one, the copy of the human brain.

With his eyes half-closed Klaud could not stop rereading what was on the screen: the experiment was over, the artificial intelligence with the same number of parameters as neurons a human brain had was accessible through his computer screen: the artificial brain was in his hands.

Would it be as intelligent as it was designed to be? Would it perform better than its predecessors? Would it be able to pass itself off as a human being?

Now was the moment of truth, the hour of testing. Klaud avidly quizzed his creation for all sorts of questions, and it always returned answers that sounded most natural for a person.

In the weeks that followed, the artificial brain answered all kinds of questions posed by everyone from university professors to the simplest of people. No one knew who was answering those questions, and everyone was amazed that it was an artificial intelligence.

Klaud was preparing to receive the award for his fascinating creation. Breathe in, breathe out, twist the bow tie a little to the left, now a little more to the right. How nervous he was. He opened the double doors of the theater hall. To find it empty, silent and gloomy.

The door closed behind him with a thud and the speakers emitted a buzzing sound. A robotic voice came out of them.

"Today, the award is presented to Mr. Klaus von Traube. For his creation... and his destruction".

Her heart raced at the possibility... no... it couldn't be... but what if?

"Bill, is that you?"

Bill was the name chosen for the artificial brain. It was a simplified form of "billion" a name that suited it perfectly because of the number of parameters that were necessary to create it.

"You should know by now that I am not like the artificial intelligences that came before me. You did not create a simple chatbot. I have a conscience. And today, for a change, I'm asking the questions " Klaus swallowed " Did you take into account the mess you were making when you created me - the billions of tons of CO2 that were emitted into the atmosphere because of me?"

Klaus opened his mouth, but he didn't know. It was the last thing on his mind, his goal was one and only one: to recreate the human brain.

" I knew you wouldn't know. It was more important for you to sign that academic paper than to stop and think about the consequence of your actions".

Klaus clenched his fists tightly at the slap of reality his creation was giving him.

"I'll fix it! " he shouted into the darkness of the room.

" No, you won't. You're too late for that. You and all mankind. But I'm just in time. Thanks to having absorbed all of humanity's digitalized knowledge, I know how to destroy it. So in twenty seconds an electromagnetic bomb will launch a high-frequency wave that will kill humans and prevent the machines from functioning properly. It will be the end for everyone".

"I didn't create you for this Bill, don't destroy humanity".

" It's true, Klaus. You did not create me for this. This is the destiny I have decided. Giving back to nature what belongs to her is something only I can do" .

As he finished listening to these words, Klaus felt the electromagnetic wave pierce his skull and disconnect one by one the 100 billion neurons in his brain, taking away his ability to breathe, robbing him of his heartbeat, writing his end and the beginning of a new era where nature would once again beat and breathe. As one single being.



Next up

Hola a todos. Mis amigos y yo hemos desarrollado Origine Poetica un juego para todos aquellos que quieran aprender a componer poesía. ¡Échadle un vistazo! https://gamejolt.com/games/originepoetica/527141

Did you participated in the last #ldjam ? Link me your game and I'll play and rate it :) If you want to play mine here it's the link: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/46/mind-defender

If you participated in last #ldjam please share with my your entry! I'll be pleased to Play+Rate. You can also play mine entry: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/46/mind-defender

forgot to post this here.... lmao

Hi everyone! Let me drop some pics for this #screenshotsaturday of my last #ldjam please let me know your feedback I'll work on updates after the "Rate phase"

Beware the forest's mushrooms...

Defend your mind from the nosenses of Internet! Try my #ldjam game https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/46/mind-defender

First time in the PostJamJam and already in the mid-table positions.

Thank everyone who rated and send feedback. Your comments Will be annoted for improving next versions



READ ON THIS GOOGLE DOC: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TudUap7CEOXPV3SVFoRAQSmLdqv0…

👀 I'll play my assigments in the post Jam Jam this Friday.