4 days ago

My game page was copyrighted for the first time.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I deleted the game's Project Plus page because the game was canceled and it was just a menu.

And to avoid copyright, I changed the name of the game page ehanix.



Next up

New photos of tasks from the game port.

(Chica task)

Congratulations. We passed 100 followers.πŸ₯³β€οΈ

That's why I've prepared a few pictures from inside the FNAF reboot edition Android game for you to see.πŸ˜†πŸ˜

We have another surprise that is not finished yet. I will post it for you when it is finished.πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰

MaurΓ­cio and I are working and collaborating on fnaf reboot edition android game and thank you NDU for helping us and please follow if you like fnaf plus android game

game link:https://gamejolt.com/games/Fnafrebootandroid/977307

We haven't reached 300 yet but I couldn't wait to post this, so here it is!

Remembering that all models will be in a model pack as soon as the game comes out!!

Have you ever noticed this picture in the screenshots of the FNAF reboot edition game?!

FredTime+ Christmas Teaser!

Screenshots of the game were also released.

The Steam page for the game Fnaf:SotM has been unveiled.


Finally, photos of the FreddTime Plus game have been released, showing that the game is painted or designed.