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I went through this ending again. I'm back with Katsura Kotonoha, but I have a question: ''How?!'' But relationship with Sekai: 139. And relationship with Kotonoha: 150.
Game: "School Days HQ"
Developers: "Overflow".
School Days HQ OST: "Breaking Myself"
@ThiagoBrNeo thx
The second season of the anime, oh yeah!!!!! I can't wait to see it, I wish it would come out soon.
My new oc! Or i need to call it my second oc
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New profile photo.
Somebody kill me.
Opening of the chapters of the game "School Days HQ" (Katsura Kotonoha Version).
Russian version (in fact, the beginning and middle of the opening have simply been slightly changed and the text has been translated).
Mandatory Cyn drawing because I drink dihydrogen monoxide :3
@Dot_Barrett01 you shouldn't spend so many coins, I assure you. I don't mind, but I'm not sure you should spend so many coins just to make me happy.