Some of you guys may know that I asked about you all wanting this update page a while ago. Well I brought it out!, This took a while to create, it's been a few months for me to work on this and think of designs.
If you need to read the description and would rather read the introduction here I'll leave it here for you to read:

Hey there, and welcome to GL1TCHES blend projects updates. Blend Projects come here and if you follow this page you recieve updates on my blender projects. I post renders and small animations here and share small updates. I rarely use blender lots so the most updates you'll get is probably monthly. This page is for updates on my Blender fnaf projects. And might bring more in the future!
The page itself will get design updates and thumbnail updates. And I will be updating this page when I'm working on something or I finish making something. Know that the models used are not mine other than really 1. And that you need to give me time to credit the right person.
Look out for updates on this page. And follow if your interested!