The AI is here, and we now know why it’s called Tractor to the Infinite. It’s because the AI is Infinitely insane.
Currently you can choose anywhere from zero to ten AI when creating a soccer room. I tried with 1 on each team and lost (even with my AI teammate, we kept getting in each others way) 7 to 14.
I also tried a game with 10 AI on each team. It was like a warzone. An explosion of tractors on either end of the field as they spawn in, and then all 20 of them rush the ball at once. At least 5 of them fall of the map. A goal is usually scored within 5 to 10 seconds, and then it all happens again. It’s extreamly entertaining to watch, and even more fun to be a part of.
You can barely maneuver, and your vision is clogged with all the AI’s rushing about. If you manage to pull away from the pack you will most likely be rammed into from the side by a rouge AI. It’s incredibly amusing.
If they dont manage to score within the first 30 seconds most of them end up wedging themselves into the walls. At that point you can be the hero and score a point for your team, setting the process in motion once more.
So how’s it work?
The AI determines what angle to turn the wheels, does so, and floors it. Petal to the metal, non-stop, all the time. The code is literally this:
float Vertical = 1f;
I’ve also neglected to put any team-based logic in. The AI’s dont care where they’re pushing it, they just go. No Matter where they are, they aim for the ball and go.
Unless the ball is behind them, then they stupidly run into the walls.
I think soccer mode being boring has been fixed XD
Also, They’re all named Donald. (Why not?)
As for performance, while running 10 AI on each team (and myself, a total of 21 Tractors all sending data over the network) I noticed no loss in fps.
You all should go play it, like, right now. This is probably the coolest thing I’ve ever made.
Open the Pod-bay doors please Hal,