My group is looking for a new sprite artist because one of them has disappeared. If anyone wants to join our group, I'll be grateful.
Next up
Now if a cannon hit a pond, the color of the splash water will have the color of the pond. Is only a stetic element, but this make the game more "complete".
Showing a boss of IlĂada Espacial 2: Mecha Pork. Is the first boss, and a joke with the player can train before the real challenge.
A simple fanart created with Pixel Maker, my own drawing software.
I decided to use the scenarios from the movie one of which is perfection itself, the graboids get more sensitive the more together you are wink wink.
Animating those graboid arms was a heck of fun! hope you enjoy it!
In a shooter, you can't only make that the player shoot with the button, because the screen will be filled with tons of lead. Instead, you must include a "cooldown" to moderate the player's attack.
Did you know? The Horror Forest level of our game is based on the Felix the Cat 1988 movie. The trees and slime was referenced to the scene where Felix meets the old dwarf guy. This level was also inspired by Thriller Bark saga of One Piece, zombies + BG.
In Pirate Alliance! you must face levels where specials enemies will strike you will all their gimmicks.
For example, in this mission you must fight against twon bosses, and both them can summon reinforcments.
The UFO of Player 2 in action!
Congrats to the winners and congrats to ALL participants. The games entered in this jam were AMAZING & incredibly hard to judge. Game Jolt staff will reach out to the winner via the email associated with their Game Jolt account!
I had include new ships in Pirate Alliance.
For example, the Zeppelin, that can cross some traps.
Althought this use is limited (a level without traps make the Zeppelin useless), because is great movility, can be a good ally in the long term.