Ok, I need to just get this off my chest, so I'm ripping the band-aid off now. Seriously, How the hell is the FNaF fandom so terrible yet great at the same time? Like, one minute I see nothing but over-the-top negativity/hate from people and straight up drama over the most small and insignificant thing ever, and the next I'm seeing people be so damn nice and supportive, plus people make some genuinely peak stuff here.
It really makes me think "when did this community become so damn split???" all the time. Like, can we just all get along and enjoy the funny robot bear jumpscare simulator instead of tear at each other and cause drama over such small things???
(I say this yet there are some things that probably do deserve the hate... like Dormitabis... and those strange shipping animations from 2015... but you know what I'm getting at)
With how harsh people are in this community now, I seriously feel a bit SCARED to share my passion projects now sometimes. Like, I feel like one day someone is just gonna start relentlessly harassing me because I made ONE tiny little mistake in one of my projects, or something stupid like that.
No, this doesn't mean I wanna leave this community, and NO this doesn't mean I wanna quit making my FNaF projects. It's just hard to deal with these people rn, ESPECIALLY since I got enough on my plate as-is in my personal life.
Hopefully SOMEONE will read this and understand how I feel, or maybe even someone will change their ways after seeing this. I dunno, but my rant's now over. Bye for now.