6 months ago

My new game ?!!?!??!?!??

Five nights at Freddy's 1 but HARDER ?

Hello, While developing my game "Flashlight test" ( https://gamejolt.com/games/20102017EG/909379 ), I faced a lot of problems (lots of bugs, no one helped me with programming, no one is free to help me with drawing, homework, etc.) so I decided to make a game that is easy and fast to make but difficult and challenging for the player at the same time, before coding normal FNaF 1 myself, I found someone who already did it ( fireferrit https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/916580937/ ), so I'll be adding harder stuff and adding more stuff and... making the game harder, so get ready for "Five Nights at Freddy's 1 but harder"


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Next up

We have a winner ....

Hey guys, my game It will be finished very soon and it's going to be very hard : https://gamejolt.com/games/20102017EG/909379

"Flashlight test" is coming soon ( I HOPE )

: https://gamejolt.com/games/20102017EG/909379


Rat Race Production Update

I am making a new "Not Bad" FNaF Fan-game ( made on scratch ( LOL ) ) , Does it look good?

( https://gamejolt.com/games/20102017EG/909379 )

I released a DEMO of " Flashlight Test " go and check it now : https://gamejolt.com/games/20102017EG/909379

We are under attack!