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uh micky moose lol
title screen leaks?
heres that mad sonic.exe i saw in pc port i showed the sprite and the ref. picture next to it
heres the mad sonic.exe i saw in pc port in fnf by the way i think i did well in my last post i have showed the original image too…
yall, new song that i added to the psych engine port in the extras week!… Gold_360 asked me to add it
new design for daddy dearest by me it use to be for e sides then i quit and i just reskined it back to original colours dont use without permission
microsoft agents play fnf (monika mod)
i played fnf vs sonic.exe on ps1 and this is what i saw...
idc that im dead (fnf gold thing i made) i didnt make the gold sprite but i made him smile and gave him deal with it glasses i think banbuds made original.
soooooo i ported cheating and unfairness to psych engine.…