1 year ago

My take on how Alice Dyer looks like, from the Magnus Protocol.



Next up

Axie – weed axolotl. @InfiniteMelon OC, my artstyle ☆.

#art #digital #drawing #oc #axolotl #axe #star #aster

2/5 stickers done!


Artfight attack on @TockaKatze | Artfight wouldn't let me submit it, so it isn't on the website yet. I'll try again in the morning | #artfight #aster #cat #dirt #star #night #art #drawing #cats #fight #attack #web

Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute - London.

I haven't seen any Tma drawings on here so far, so I'll gladly be the first.

A character with a knack for weird shirts. Artfight attack :) | #artfight #art #fight #shirt #aster #pink #oc #character