8 months ago

My teir list of Skylanders Spyro adventure

I don't play skylander Spyro adventure but I watch gameplay and I have some figures form it



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What if lucky from pound puppies were YouTuber

My teir list for character from pound puppies

What if lucky from pound puppies in different videos game

Another pound puppies meme

Hey mom can have super pets

Mom : we have super pets at home

Super pets at home

Image from pound puppies wilk

What if lucky from pound puppies as transformer which vehicle mode he will have

Make sense both Transformer and pound puppies made by Hasbro

Three figures I want to get when it out

I don't know some sites say heatwave coming out in August 1 and but I don't know Amazon say wasp figures coming out November 1 instead may 1

I hope they fix it

If lucky from pound puppies was Transformer this his vehicle mode what you think

I made more