Not that it matters, but while you're here I would also like to recommend Cars 3: Driven to Win, specifically the PS4 version if you can afford it. I know that sounds like a joke, but Cars 3: Driven to Win is also super fun to speedrun because of how broken the levels are. Go buy it (it's only about 30 bucks) and try finding whatever shortcuts and skips you can, some of the most fun I've had playing a game ever.

Next up
@Marxfan2008 Sorry I'm late.
First Friedrich's post of the new year! I would've liked to do something a lot more elaborate, but Pillar Chase 2 did a really good job of killing my motivation to be productive.
It happened everybody! Ryon reached 1000 followers! I'm a bit late to the party but who cares because RYON HAS 1000 FOLLOWERS LET'S GOOO!!!!! Ryon, if you're reading this become a creator ASAP so you can get money and fund Felix's addiction.
HAPPY 1000!!!
Okay... how the fuck do I explain what this is?
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the Friedfreaks! A wonderfully mediocre jazz band consisting of a mad scientist, a narcissistic snake rabbit, a great big cuddly bear, and a Lovecraftian horror wearing a chicken skin suit.
Please give a warm welcome to Johnathan, my take on a Friedrich-ified Fred Bear. And also, a way to call back to a joke from one of Ryon's streams.
Fun Friedrich trivia! Did you know that Friedrich was originally named Johnathan?
Have you ever wanted to get murdered by a bunch of squares? No? TOO BAD!
6 hours with a red square out now:
So I'm making a game