NaM is finally done! Well, sorta. The code is lookn’ just about ready, now gotta put the new models in 👌!
Next up
My 2 player scratch fighting is now finished and available to play on browsers!
Standing moves for my scratch game UM2C:
Check it out with a friend to play against!
My scratch fighting game years in development:
New Ultra M2C super! Grab a friend and play it: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/517472923
I'm working on it now so tell me what you think!
Also, there might be some stuff on my youtube:
its finally here, i hope you all enjoy this game, weve been working on this for ages
have fun
New Ultra M2C stuff! Grab a friend and play it: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/517472923
I'm working on it now so tell me what you think!
NaM 1 will release on Saturday, keep a look out for it.
If there are any glitches or flaws let us know, I will be able to do patches along the way.
If you've got any ideas or suggestions for the game, just tell us in the page's area. 🍕🍕
Combos for my wip fighting game I'm making in scratch 😊🎮👊💥
Play it on your browser:
og project:
Meerk- fanart by 'shrimp'
Here is the official site for NaM 1, sorry about the file size (I'm working on finding out a way to shrink it). Anyway, enjoy and keep looking out for new versions!
Standing moves for my scratch game UM2C:
Check it out with a friend to play against!