Hey guys! The holidays are over, I’m tired of eating and I’m back in business.
Please find a comfy position, ‘cause this post may be a little bit long.
Today I wanna show you what I’ve been doing since last month, and, let me tell you, there is quite a lot!
The first thing I want to show you guys is that we now have new types of enemies. As you can see in the video on Nebula’s game page, our character, Ivy, already had some bad guys to deal with, such as the Sentinel (the flying bug) and the Hunter (the tall bipeds who patrol the halls and spit acid on Ivy while they attack her with their claws).
Since this video was recorded, I came up with new enemies. There are eggs, and these eggs give origin to a number of other creatures, but let’s go one step at a time, we don’t want to spoil the game!

All eggs are essentially the same, but may hatch into different kinds of youngling creatures, who will be a small and more fragile version of their adult forms. There’s no way to know which creature an egg will hatch into; you’ll only know if you choose to leave the egg alive.
Now, the eggs are never left unguarded for an extended period of time. Sentinels and/or Workers might be around. We already know about Sentinels, so let’s focus on the Workers.

As their name states out, they are the main worforce of the colony, and they take care of various tasks, including building and maintaining nests and taking care of eggs and younglings.
Unfortunately for them, they are not that strong, and don’t cause a lot of damage (when compared to the Hunter, for example). Instead, they are more like cowards, but, if you choose to let them live, they may call their big brothers to help taking care of you.
Apart from the new enemies, there’s this:

The cosmonaut suit allows the player to go on missions outside of the ship, in order to repair a damaged part of the structure or retrieve a sattelite to attempt some sort of communication, for example.
The suit will allow new gameplay elements as well, such as exploring low gravity environments, and also accessing rooms with low oxigen or no oxigen at all, but only for so long.
This is it for now guys, hope you enjoyed it, and stay tuned for more updates!Ivy and I wish everyone a nice and happy 2015!