Nemesis is a self-proclaimed evil scientist and a genuine genius megalomaniac who dreams of dominating the world with her Eggman Empire using her scientific expertise.
Gender : Female
Species : Red Dwarf Star
Age : N/A
Birthday : January 14
Heights : 165 cm
Weights : 64 kg
Body : Scarlet
Eyes : Blue
Attire : Navy blue pince-nez glasses, Gray hexagonal-shaped goggles, Yellow cape with triangular collars, Black shirt with two silver buttons, Red and yellow skirt, Black boots
Alignment : Evil
Affiliations : Eggman Empire
Favorite food : Fried Chicken
Likes : Chaos Emeralds, Conquering the world, Dr. Eggman, Designing robots, Her plans succeeding, Machinery, Outsmarting and/or defeating Neptune and Earth and Sun and friends, Telling people what to do
Dislikes : Neptune, Earth, Sun, Solar Mansion, Machines that do not work, Losing, When her plans fail, Anyone who betrays her
Ability Type : Power