it been a long time i write a post because we fixing bugs in otaku sim, but 2nd dev who help me, has personnal problems, actually i can't work on otaku sim, but i take time to work to new game i want to make.
New about Otaku Simulator and other games
it been a long time i write a post because we fixing bugs in otaku sim, but 2nd dev who help me, has personnal problems, actually i can't work on otaku sim, but i take time to work to new game i want to make.
I will do a game for Art class, i try to do concept art
Otaku Simulator - Steal and Shop feature
new character and new persona
How to get rid of Deadbody now ?
I finally finish to work on Monster IA
link to video : https://youtu.be/KjeLly1syV8
(I don t understand why i can t insert youtube link)
A wonderful fanart of asuka made by unknown chan :)
New Settings Menu, Is it very cool ?
news about otaku simulator
New Game :)