Hello there I wanted to give an update to Fredbear's 3
This update discuss the new changes coming to the game.
One of the things I liked about Five Nights at Chicas is that it had actual gameplay with the animatronics. An actual loop for them. The animatronics all had different routes and features. Took a week program them all but it made gameplay that I kept coming back too. There were so many times I went back and played those nights because of how fun it was to memorize the paths of the animatronics and execute the office gameplay perfectly.
My older games never had that and if you can't tell already. Fredbear's 3 doesn't Animatronics do some unique things sure but you can't really design them to be unique in a free roam setting. Atleast I thought so.
After Chicas released. one day at work I had some drama shit on my mind. So I thought of something else. Fredbear's 3. What can I do to improve AI? Simple. Reintroudce the feature from the classic game. The mask.
The mask would be rotten golden Bonnies mask. Which actually plays into his ability. Its toxic because its rotten so you can only use it for a set time otherwise you will die from inhaling toxic fumes.
The mask from Fredbear's 2 wasn't really helpful. But for here I want it to be a defense. As Fredbear's 3 doesn't have doors its hard to roam around even more so on night 5. there is little gameplay. but a mask could solve this issue. making it so that you can explore around without relying on animatronic randomized AI.
Speaking about AI. Alot of it already has some unique functions. But I want to try and do 3 more if possible.
You have simple animatronics that are fooled by the mask 100% of the time. (Fredbear and Springbonnie)
You have animatronics that can be fooled 3 times before they enter a rage mode The rage mode makes them immue to the mask and makes them run at you in full speed, animatronics like spring freddy and springbonnie (toybonnie head verison)
You have animatronics who can't be fooled at all (Golden Foxy and Rotten springbonnie)
Now rotten springbonnie also will make the mask useless if he sees you using it. As he alerts every animatronic that you are a sus imposter. Meaning him and golden foxy are must avoids
Some other changes to the AI are things like improvements to foxys dive (like he does in fnaf 2) from chicas party world and AI actually following you still even if they lose track of you (there AI gets stuck and I found a fix for it that I didn't have time to work out)
As for challenge night. Im not sure if mask will be on there. It depends on the map I think. as idk how coding this will work exactly and im getting help with it soon.
Hopefully this improves the gameplay of this game and sets standards for future Fredbear's games. Just like challenge night has.
Also the picture above. a teaser for night 6. The bite of 83 happened O_O
Next up
Megalodon boss fight is now being worked on!
Main Games Animatronic Roster. (Challenge Night not included)
Its snowing and I am playing FNAF 2, Feels like 2014 again!
Golden Foxys new lunge rework is going great so far!
Rat Race Production Update
Here is the teaser for the space map. This shit is gonna be amazing
Five Nights at Fredbear's The movie! WIP Silver Chica I've decided to finally start work on this cause I needed a break from the burn out of Fredbear's 3
Happy birthday FNAF! I apologize for being inactive. I have alot to explain. I've been really busy. I am gonna try and get back to work on the game this month. I apologize that things have been so quiet this year. I've been going through alot.