Mezquita Hearts

5 years ago

New banner for the game! And that's not all...

I'm looking forward to the release of a final version, 1.0, relatively soon. This version will have all contents included in the current one plus:

  • Challenge mode: with several challenges to be completed in order to unlock the following ones, and also some rewards.

  • Training mode: where you can practice all cards and combos, and see their action and effect.

  • Game-breaker cards: actions that can only be used once and break temporarily the rhythm of the fight.

  • AI fixes and improvements.

  • Bugs corrections and balance tweaks.

When will it be released? Well, at the moment there is no estimated date, but some of these features are already in development. When some of them are ready I will release intermediate versions of the game for you to try them!



Next up

Version 0.7 released! A new character!

Version 0.9.0 is here! Gual is now 60% complete!

Version 0.6 released! Tournament mode is now on!

Prats using his Fornix and Choose the Colors combos, from our new spectator view!!

New Mezquita Hearts update soon!

New game-breaker!! With Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, you won't die for the next 2 minutes... but your opponent won't die too!

Soon, on Mezquita Hearts!

Synchronize your actions and get a reward with condition attacks! Here's and example of a combo + condition attack!

Download Mezquita Hearts (demo) FREE:

New Mezquita Hearts version 0.13 released! Up to 8 game-breakers, new Challenge Mode and Training Mode and some other improvements and fixes. Try it now!!

New Mezquita Hearts version 0.11 released, with all the latest features!

Try it now:

New Mezquita Hearts version released! With a new game-breaker, new menu and logo designs and full gamepad compatibility. Try it now:

Game-breaker actions are coming!! Card-independent actions that may change the rhythm of the fight in your favor! Soon, on Mezquita Hearts...