Today I released another version of Imperial Domination II. AI is enhanced a lot and gameplay is more balanced. It’s getting pretty challenging now to play the game.
Besides improving gameplay, I have also put some more effort into the second campaign, Italia. This is also a worthy campaign now, although there are no special units yet for every faction. Not sure yet if I will create more units for the final version.
My to-do list has never been this small, and it feels great! What’s left on my list is mostly related to diplomacy and the way AI handles it. To make this game truly balanced, I has to be played for hours. Since not a lot of people showed interest in the game lately, I’m not sure I will be able to balance the game to the maximum. Let’s hope some more fans are willing to support the final development of Imperial Domination II!
Please check out the latest version!
Some of the changes made since the last version:
Degrading citizen also causes disorder
Riots are now a larger element in province management
Every building will be upgraded in one turn.
Knowledge is now tied to provinces. You can transport knowledge from one province to another.
The views are redone
Rebelion size is now dependent on number of slaves in a province
Improved AI diplomatic and military behavior (major improvements)
Added new provinces, factions and units to the Italian campaign
Fixed some movementbugs in battles
Fixed a bug with missileunits shooting at nobody