Basically, he'd run a basketball minigame, and depending on your score, you'd win a prize. If you get a high enough score however, he'd get pissed, and tell you to stop. If you keep going, he eventually gets so mad and tries to kill you for reigning in on his "stardom".
Name-Wise, his name is a play on the basketball term "Alley oop", spelt in the same vain as ICE-E.
Design-wise, he's a heavy reference to ICE-E (obviously) and the whole "SO RETRO" meme. So he's meant to look like cobbled together squares that don't even look remotely accurate to a retro arcade game. Mainly used FNAF Mini-games and BUNNYFARM sprites as reference. Especially Purple Guy.

His jersey and some of his palette is a reference to the unused CORE NPC from Undertale.

Also here's concept art for him

Also he was originally meant to be blue SOUL, and way more similar to Papyrus', which you can see is more apparent here. I changed it however since a very popular Bonus Boss OC uses it, and because I thought Brandal C. (If you know, you know) used it. I'd say the change worked out for the better IMO, so I ain't complaining.