new character idea
name weird fat kid
mechanics:spawns rarely1/100chancetakes yourzestybar
you will need soursaucechips and give it to him
he will eat the soursaucechips with the zesty bar
and he will give you your zestybar back and infinite alarm clocks
Next up
I found fricking fnaf ransomware on apkmirror lol
just beat bbccs5 the bummus hummus school will all the mocking man variants on #progamer
New Item And Character Idea! Character Name Weird Fat Kid
if you give him a new item called hains ketchup and a zesty bar
he will give you a golden zesty bar and infinite alarm clocks
hey guys, just to let you know this is NOT me, I dont even have a newsground account, hopefully this acc gets deleted
just beat bbccs5 2nd year aniiversarry with one charater #progamer
More fnaf ransomwareðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜???
this is the closest ive ever got to trolling all characters in bbccs5 the bummus hummus school
a lazy pizza recipe for my mates
bro getting killed my mr nice guy is easy AF
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