Hello everyone!
Erah: The Guardians had, from the very first stages of its development, references to Hungarian culture, be it family names, names of places, certain customs, and so on. However, we decided that we would also like to salute before Hungarian literature and history as well, by making some recognized elements of those a part of our project. We thought long about the best way of achieving this. We didn’t want the idea to feel forced, or ham-fisted, we wanted it to fit right into the world we created, add something to it, but remain a homage all the while. In the end, we decided on a character who is part of both literature and history, who is known, recognized and liked by many: Miklos Toldi.
Fore more info, visit either:
Our website: http://erah-game.com/new-character-miklos-toldi/
Or my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/erah-guardians-17761552