6 months ago

New content incoming

(Read article)

Since I’m bored and thought it’d be a good time while we wait for the next major update for stuff like forsaken ar imma be posting from time to time content/ vids of me playing fnafARchive it’s the og fnaf ar experience revived.

I highly recommend checking the game out be it to actually beat fnaf ar or just for nostalgia it’s a great game. I have my gripes with it but it’s minor. So nothin too bad.

Also I highly recommend getting the most up to date version if you want stuff like great escape golden Freddy n such. Older versions while nostalgic don’t have much in terms of content.

K bye. Oh and make sure to follow the devs. They’re cool.

Basically follow forsaken devs for forsaken stuff as well as when updates come out my account to join my journey and follow the ARchive devs for og ar stuff and my account to join my journey and get stuff or help out each other if needed.

K bye. :)



Next up

Before you is an animatronic found in the back alley. We are unsure of its origins. It is your job to complete the maintenance checklist before claiming it as salvaged or should you choose to you can throw it back out and forfeit payment.

Who’re these fellas peekin?

A Lord should not be kept waiting.

Citizen posts image of an animatronic inside his house.

See I told you not to open that. BUT YOU DID IT AND NOW HERE WE ARE! (Just made this because I liked the secret door and obsessing over a with lyrics version of shucks. I don’t fully support any actions done in development of source material or etc)

The long-rumored animatronic mutt of Freddy’s band, Sparky the Dog, makes his long awaited debut!

(This is from the official forsaken ar discord server)

Fnaf kids spirits Easter egg mixed with the animatronics

Plz ignore the beep or silence around 5:45 - 5:47 ... ❤Thank you Scott ❤ 🎩

We truly will have an endless amount of fun this Christmas.