3 months ago

New dyno oc! Check out the article.

The newest Dynocation of the bunch: Diabolo!

This odd shaped fella is quite the preformace artist, having grown up directly in the Circus Colony itself (and of course is loyal to it.) He is very very quiet, in fact it's rumored he doesn't even speak at all. The only way to get him to speak is if Baki asks him too or does so directly, as he doesn't want to bother others while working on his next preformance. His face also doesn't have eyes! His true eye is in the chest, so he hides a masquerade mask along his snout to give the illusion of eyes eager to view the crowd.

Despite growing up in the Circus Colony, murder isn't his calling card. He seeks the thrill of a good show, and will go so far as to put himself in ***very*** dangerous situations in order to gather the best crowd possible.



Next up

Been a bit since I posted huh

Well uh, have a doodle of Diabolo painting a puppet that might become a Dyno for a show lol

#DynoArt #Dynocation

New Dynocation! Article down below has his info.

Tonight's preformance: a tale as old as time...

@Victoree in the woods.

New oc! Check the article for him.

found a silly base, and NEEDED to use it for Vil and Moon. it's not THE best I can do but I wanted to not diverge too far from the base


Meet the new and improved Techa, affected by the Techrot this time around instead of the Technocyte! (He's a Vulpaphyla)

He has a bit of a punk attitude, his previous clothes and earrings merged and melded into his body via the Techrot assimilation.

Some doodles I did of Techa, with him being made of Techrot he's an interesting fella.

1st doodle is of him listening to On-Lyne

2nd is of the carious ways he attacks (in order: Quills from mouth, corruption weapons, larval stage)

And 3rd is just weapons

They're ready for it now that the winter has gotten to them enough

Diabolo and Fuuhl present: A fiery preformance!

Fuuhl belongs to @Pail-The-Puppet-Fool