New episode of Q&A to Fangame Creators after long time, tomorrow you will see the guide of Bootleg Plush 3
Nuevo episodio de P&R ha salido después de mucho tiempo, mañana sale la guía de Bootleg Plush 3
Next up
I dunnu how I made 3 videos in a week....
Sepa Judas cómo hice 3 videos en una semana
Sorry for not posting content, I was focused and stressed with the course, the video is 2 hours long Slendrina
Perdón por no estar activo, he estado ocupado y estresado con el curso, aquí les dejo algo, dura 2 horas todo Slendrina
Game page for this game is now up.
It wasn't easy, I got 45 deaths, Granny and The Twins, here I go
No fue facil, tuve 45 muertes, Granny y The Twins, alla voy
You can now view all jumpscares from all my currently released games (except simulators) in a single app!
Available for PC and Android!
Christmas is around the corner
A day of happiness, right?
Is a shame that in my case I'm gonna suffer....
Navidad está a la vuelta de la esquina
Un día de felicidad, verdad?
Es una pena que en mi caso voy a sufrir...
New game reveal (and release).
This is an old project that I was making back in March that was left unreleased due to laziness after pretty much finishing it. Now I've released it.