4 years ago

(new era coming to the SBP series)

hello everyone. this is lewis writing this message to you guys. we're annoucing an era to the SBP series. and that era is gonna be an era by me (lewisthesquidkid) this will be called (the lewis era) yes the lewis era. also I've got ideas for how this will turn out and here they are.

(new story) a story that has to be unique and interesting so that it isn't shit or confusing

(voice acting) I feel like the
characters in this series should be voiced by different people instead of the people that created they're characters

(name change) yes if you don't want to confuse your fans from the word sonic bot's then don't call your character sonic bot or the series sonic bot at all.

(new ost) I feel like the ost should be made by a music composer instead of adding stock music to this series.

(a new coder) yes I feel like a clickteam user could help us out with this series and I'll probably give him ideas on how the game's gonna be play out.

okay that's all of the information on this era so far. also the image I sent is also a gift to the fandom because you guys are great. hopefully you guys gets to enjoy this era. which is going to restart the franchise. the reason is because the original plot by renan himself is too confusing to me and I think restarting the series would be the right way to do. so yeah that's all for now. hopefully you all understand this. see you soon everyone. ;)



Next up

My new OC will be revealled in 4 days.

Goobus is funnier.

(New OC revealled) say hello to Kenzo Kimio.


Deadpool highway scene but with Lewis.B.M sound effects.


300 Downloads in at least 2 days :D

Thank you, guys.

My logo that you see in my banner is based on 80s metallic logos.


Yes i've made a meme that hopefully accuratly portrays how the ocsars feel about sonic 3.