Chronicles of Light
6 years ago

New feature in the game!

Small features we’re added to the game and the one that i’m going to show you is one that can really come in handy.
The name of this feature is stage select will be useful as fast travel.
Let’s suppose you’re in a place far from the destination you frogot to pick up an artifact or a item that you need you use this feature that will be available in a fireplace near to you.


At the begining of the game all the areas except the cabin will not be available until you unlock them by reaching new areas in the game.


I added this feature because i thought it would come in handy for the players.



Next up

The Remaster of the Arcanix will be coming on April 13th! 🔹 Enhanced UX/UI 🌸 Expanded Map Segments 🔹 Updated Storyline 🌸 Updated Difficulty Progression 🔹 New Cutscene Effects 🌸 New Artwork 🔹 New Trophies 🌸 Three Possible Endings Come find yours!

Final Build!

All the extra areas, side quests in the Deluxe Edition are now complete. And to celebrate this accomplishment the game will be in sale until December!

Get your copy now!

Bug Fix Report [V.2.6.0]

Complete Version Now Available! The story of the game is now complete. You can explore all of Bloomywood's maps. The Deluxe edition is complete, the only thing missing is the extra area and the final optional challenges that will be upload soon! Enjoy!

The build 0.4.4 will now have gamejolt trophies to unlock!

Make sure you log in to your gamejolt's account in the blue crystal while plaing the game. Coming today!

Version 1.3.0 The new build is now available! Morv Swamp and Rebels Village is now available allong with three new side quests and an side area to explore. Also it was added a buy & sell character in the rebels village!

Version 1.2.0 Available Deluxe Edition has been updated! The first 50 minutes or more (depending how much you explore all the areas) are complete, start exploring now!

The Game is now Complete!

Successful landing


"Our work is never over" they said.