A History of two brothers an official Fnaf Fan Book
2 years ago

new future of the game

hey so bad notice and a really good notice

lets have a talk, so the game is officialy cancelled, but not totally hehehe, you think i will descarte an beautiful and dramatic story, duh never. it will be a book buahahahaha and i think the release date of the book will be december but dont get many esperance. but let have the things will be officialy in the book:

*the story will be more expanced, i can esplore my imagination.

* different of the game, will be things of the past and history in the games, but in the book, i can explain better and will be chapthers of the past flasbacks etc.

* it will be the first fan book of fnaf yey

why i canceled the game ? : Originally will be two games, the first and the gigant final game and a book, but the development is so slow, the programer have games to do, and me a artist! nevermind my art is ugly and the final boss will be so difficult, and the programer will never can do what asking. For the book will be more easy and better. the gamepage will be my door to comunicate the development of the book. so see ya my sunchimes and @CaioCesarBarboza thank you for everithing and you please can post the game



Next up

teaser 1

hey the writhing of the book is started so preper yourself for the teasers and more... the teaser one with the name a.c corporation and the cape of the book

hello i want to show all the images for the first version of the game.

omg look what i found in the new arg of the chapther 3