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Super character render.
Charlie,the steak(from the app of the same name)
Red from the Larva show
Asdf guy from the asdf videos
Vee and cartoon poppy from dandys world
404 demon from psx/ps99
Lambo murcielago from insanegaz archivals(my arg)
A render that i made for Ink blot corruptus
Mickey Mouse from onwmm sitting on micki from onamh for a piggyback ride.
Random thing i did.
My first pocket code game is now on the game page! Go play it and see the beginning of my games :}
Le current pinned post.
I need to this fast.
Yippers and weepers!
Accurate n-oswald model
Might be used for NbD:my take
I decided to fix her head.
Know is pur-fect.
Get it?
Like a cat :P
The 404 infection is spredding!!
Is now come to gamejolt.
(I can't think of nothing else the second i see the 404)
I'm way to obssesed with ps99.
(Not my account)
If ya guys wanna see the lost/canceled characters from this page.
Go to my new game,the throw-back trilogy.
Where they're be as enemies and get there legacy back.