Since I started launching F.N.a.R on the internet, I’ve been thinking more and more about changing the title.
Some might say it’s too late. No it’s not!
I really like the original title! Five Nights at Roxy’s sound absolutely perfect to me! Seriously! And I think to most of you too.
But after talking with some people online and in real life, they supported the idea of changing the title and highly advised me to proceed with giving it a new name.
Here are a few reasons why I agree and why I would like to do it:
It's a FNAF comic sans
This reddit post definitely caught my attention. Not for taking the decision, simply that FNAF comic sans explains it perfectly. Everyone uses it.
This kind of title that goes like “Five nights at [Insert Name]” has nothing original at all.
Also when someone sees the game title, there isn’t anything attractive: it’s like another low quality FNAF spin-off.
It has been used already several times
Maybe not for games, but I see an enormous amount of Five Nights at Roxy’s on the net.
Then there is all of the “Hey you stole it from me!” and stuff like that.
I want to create something that has never aired. Plus the title shows a lot about a game.
It's never to late to change things
Changing things is good, and that easily applies for F.N.a.R! Okay I might need to change some things, even though changing everything would not be possible.
And don’t come with Oh come on F.N.a.R. sounds much better, the good old days. Nope.
As a result:
I am sure about it and I will change the game’s title. You can’t stop me.
However, the original, Five Nights at Roxy’s could (and will) be still used as a 2nd title.I will be revealing the title, probably releasing a new letter every day, or every 2 days, so make sure you check back regularly! The letters will be updated on the Header!
Stay tuned!
(Ps: Even if the changes will be made, I would like to hear what you think about it. Also your feedback would be HIGHLY appreciated)