Hi to all our supporters and fans!
It’s been almost four months from our last update, and we have been very hard at work. After some brainstorming we decided to change the art style to something that looks very much like hand-drawn cartoons of miniature warriors and castles :)
Also, every unit we have is now animated - their feet move, and so do their hands and weapons. For a game team as small as our’s, we are really quite proud to offer our players this visual upgrade.
In the pic you can see the new unit design. We are also working on making the Boss Hunt mode more intriguing by adding the option to capture the bosses you hunt down and use them as special units in your own army. There will also be a light story around this activity.
While we still have much to do (sound upgrade is in progress, new landscapes are being made, and elements of the story are being added), you can look forward to a big announcement in the very near future!
Your industrious Circle Empires team,