West Tree: The Beginning
3 years ago

New idea: Health of Desistence

Nova Ideia: Vida da Desistencia

What this is, anyways?

Well, enemies now have a variable called healthOfDesistence and I'm programming it for make enemies desists of fighting and stop.

Basicaly, if this variable is above of 0 and the enemy has the same amount of health or less then his Health of Desistence, he has a 25% of chance of give up and let you go.

It still possible to defeat a enemy even after he give up, but that will have terrible consequences, or maybe not.

O que é isso faz?

Bem, agora inimigos têm um variavel chamada healthOfDesistence (Vida da Desistencia) e eu vou usa-la para fazer os inimigos desistirem de lutar e pararem.

Basicamente, se essa variavel for acima de 0 e o inimigo tiver a mesma quantidade de vida restante do que sua Vida da Desistencia ou menos, ele tem 25% de chance de desistir e deixa-lo ir.

Ainda é possivel derrotá-lo mesmo após sua desistencia, porém isso trará consequencias terriveis, ou talvez não.

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Next up

This is a fontain in the village John lives. I think it's my best pixelart I did until now.

Game intro that I gonna work in today.

By the way, today is #screenshotsaturday!

0.0.2 West Tree Update

Icelige (West Tree TB OST)

The final GAMETEST update (0.0.3)

Damn you doubles

That is why the game is taking so long to finish

Oi pessoal, vocês já ouviram falar no jogo que eu estou neste momento desenvolvendo para o publico, West Tree?

Was looking at West Tree files and found this

It's a enemy called "Moonflower". I don't know what my original idea for her was, but I guess it was for shooting projectiles, because in her folder there is a projectile sprite

I totally forgot about her lol

West Tree GAMETEST 0.0.1 version update