3 years ago

new intro ! ( I'm probably going to add some effects )

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Next up

art by me (very bad)

speakers sprites by GOing

logo sprite made by kfz

Hello everyvone, today i decided to continue this fangames....

but with the xuong engine and not the mcart, i hope this gona change really well the fangame, yeah and i cant be every moments on game jolt so i hope this going to make you happy

I asked my friends to do it but they updated the music


here's your fully upgraded gamejolt page. Hope you like it!111!!!11!1!!!

Little Update (ver 1.2.0)

- Fixed healing (its was broken and the HP's could go higher than the limit)

That's all, I think this needed an update on it's own (because I didn't found other ones and this one were too OP)

NEW UPDATE (ver 1.1.0) : - Music stop when you reload the game by pressing F2.

- More Instructions.

- Can skip the warning at the beginning.

That's all for now, I hope you'll like it !

first attack (video not new)

Spoiler, he didn't watched his jet

Mcart won ! we are going to start the phase 1

New on the dustbelief