Hello DJs!
Long time no hear, welcome to a brand new Status Devlog!
We lately have been working hard on the interface of Stage Sim like our wonderful new overhauled Light Manager with massive new features. We hope you enjoyed the last Game Update!
Because of that hard work we didn’t had enough time to do another Status Devlog.
Let me remind you, the Discord members always get to know what we are doing first so feel free to join! https://discord.gg/dgMknV2
New Managers!
We planned new Managers for the coming updates! The next Manager will be the Music Manager where you can play your own music files and of course browse in the internet for music. Also we have planned the Animation Manager and the Crowd Manager… I wonder what these will do…
In addition to that we have overhauled the Video Manager that it has the same style like the Light Manager. Let me show you!

This concept that the manager is at the bottom of the screen is from Leon. I like it because you can still see the stage and control it at the same time.
Keep or remove the Camera Manager?
Lately we were thinking about if the Camera Manager is still needed. Keeping the Camera Manager in the game is requiring more development time and reduces the performance of Stage Simulator. If we would keep this Manager in the game it needs to be overhauled completely. That would like I said steal our time and many of you would still have performance issues.
You need to know that the Camera Manager is not essential. As I implemented it it was more like a fun feature to play around with different camera angles (which you have either way in the Stage Control Tent).
But we can’t remove it just because we think it is bad for our development.
Now it’s up to you. Do you really really need this Manager or can we remove it? Please vote in the poll, thank you!
A fire lookout tower?
A citizen of Emblyn City told me that there is an old abandoned fire lookout tower right behind the stage. He also mentioned that there must be a key to it somewhere. I really wonder what’s inside of that thing. Here, I managed to take a little snapshot of it:

Alright and that’s it for this Status Devlog. Please don’t forget to vote!
Oh and I will be in vacation for the next 3 weeks so the “office” is getting emptier. ;D
Have a great day!
~ Dukes Games (Tim)