Hello There!
We have some cool stuff about Max. FIRST and more important; We have changed the design of Max. Max was the first character that we designed and we did it in order to develop the first playable prototype of the game. As time gone by we keep on using this model of Max to test the game so little by little, all of us assume that Max was going to stay with us.
BUT, as we create new assets we realize that we can improve the Max model and give him a more charismatic design. So we started to concepting and cook a new design with some ideas.

We keep on toying with ideas and colors till we have the BINGO! and then we started the procces of give him life.

So this is it. We are very happy with Max and how it fits with the game. We are anxious to show it to all of you!
P.D: We are in the last steps of the development so stay tunned for news ;)