Next up
I started creating a horror game in upbge 0.3, I decided that the game would have a psychological horror similar to dhmis
new screenshots of new levels..
obs: all my posts will have this link
this is the link to the game I'm working on in game jolt
ok, finalmente voltei, mas agora vou falar no meu idioma original, Rock it Rocket, vai receber um remaster e podemos considerar isso como #devlog, ent, veja minha pagina do github para acompanhar o desenvolvimento do jogo
Release of the Blue Andromeda "Rock it Rocket" update today!! version 0.2.5!!
Lançamento da atualização "Rock it Rocket" Blue Andromeda hoje!! versão 0.2.5!!
cooming soon beta 0.2.5 of game Rock it Rocket
will arrive with several news
Happy world :) this remember me the happy game :)
who can guess the story behind this context-free short film I created? comment your theories
Enjoy and play my game which is in development:
i'm creating a webserie of animation 3d for youtube, it will probably be released on July 29th, but I need help, I'm crowdfunding online to invest in this series, thanks for help me ;)