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The Story of the Soul's Domain
Soul's Domain, previously known as Reiko, was originally a normal human being. She'd live her life outside of her home normally, before going home and being tortured, mentally and physically, by her abusive boyfriend. Despite being 19, she had never dated anyone before him, and she hated him. She wanted to escape her hell that was her home, but she didn't know how.
One day, Reiko had spotted a weird circle-shaped, purple object off in the distance by a mountain. Nobody else that she asked had seemed to see it, so, tainted by her curiosity, she'd decided to go on a little hike to reach it. On her way, she'd encountered many curious things. The puddles of a pitch black fluid that she called malice, along with the eye-shaped objects inside them, filled her path, and she had to maneuver her way around it to reach her destination.
Once there, she'd found the thing she'd gone looking for. Before her stood a portal with malice leaking out of it, leaving her stunned. She reached into it, but next thing she knew, her hand was covered in the malice. There was a cool sensation on the other side of the portal, and she was really curious as to what was there, so she'd decided to let her entire body drip black in risk to see what was on the other side.
Once inside, she couldn't see anything...but she could feel it all. The portal closed behind her and she suddenly felt a shocking pain. It started in her chest, then continued to spread throughout her body, and before she knew it, she collapsed.
A few hours later, she woke up, suddenly able to see again, but it was blurry. She was greeted by a figure with a similar malice to the one she'd seen before in his hand, but a navy blue instead of pitch black. It was in the shape of a mask, and the figure reached out his other hand to help her up. As soon as she touched her hand, her vision became clear and she stopped hurting.
Standing before her was someone she'd never met before...someone who said his name was Starr, guardian of the Voiid. His face was stunning, with gleeming blue eyes that caught her off guard, but seemingly lifted all of her worries away. She'd ask what happened, and he explained that the portal she entered was a portal to the dark side of the Voiid. They sometimes show up in other planets, and only a select few can see them. However, it's never showed up on Earth. He described what's on the dark side of the Voiid as endlessly suffering, tainted souls from other universes, and that they had filled the entirety of her body. However, she was safe, as Starr used some of his own power to take the soul's sense of self, giving Reiko some new unique abilities involving the black malice that she'd seen before. Slightly relieved, Reiko stood up, her hand in Starr's.
Looking in his other hand again, she asked how he'd taken the malice off his face. He told her his story, and how he became who he is today, but then reminded her that she hadn't given him her name. All she could do was shrug. Did she even have a name before..? Starr looked at her, not all that surprised. He stated, "Yeah, dynasty can do that to you. It likely overwhelmed your mind and made you forget some things. You've been identified by the rest of the Voiid as "the Soul's Domain," but I can just call you Shades for now. You okay with that?" She nodded.
She suddenly started getting slightly dizzy. She groaned, then started feeling exhausted. "Let's get you some sleep, Shades. You deserve it after all you've been through." She then fell asleep right there, collapsing as Starr caught her in his arms. He took her to her own little home, placed her in her bed, and put a note next to her, reading,
"Welcome to your new home, Shades. I hope you like it.