Quest is the king of his own small island, the island of Questland. He has been fighting for his crown for years, which is why his body is covered in armor, and his crown has blood on it. He is 80, and he has a long, white beard. He is the last party member you recruit in the game. When he joins, everyone near him occasionally feels a strange slight feeling of fear. Spoilers for that below.
He was corrupted by Fallen Warrior, and was ordered to spy on and pretend to be one of Quire (the protagonist of Adventerror 0)'s friends. At the end of the game, he is fought before Fallen Warrior, and, depending on how much you've increased his power by leveling him up while he was in your party, his power in the battle changes accordingly.
He is in Adventerror 0, and is not Adventerror 1, as he is dead by then.