4 years ago

New previews of the project coming soon!


Hi everyone!!

I know I haven't shown any previews or relevant information about the game in the last few months, but it's for good reason.

The development of the game is going very slow. This is due to the covid-19 pandemic, which presented us with difficulties, which made us change our pace of work, to a slower but safer one.

But that does not mean that the game does not have any content, on the contrary it has several interesting things that we can show you, but not at this time. since we want to surprise you with a wave of content that we have and that is to come.

Just be patient, surely this next month (if we do not have interventions) that wave of content will arrive and that surprise that we have prepared for you.

And finally, we have an official twitter and YouTube about (Flower Dynamics) if you want to have a little preview in these months about the game, follow them to be more aware of what is coming.



That was all from me, until another next blog, take good care of yourselves, bye.


¡¡Hola a todos!!

Sé que no he mostrado ninguna vista previa o información relevante sobre el juego en los últimos meses, pero es por una buena razón.

El desarrollo del juego va muy lento. Esto se debe a la pandemia del covid-19, que nos presentó dificultades, lo que nos hizo cambiar nuestro ritmo de trabajo, a uno más lento pero más seguro.

Pero eso no quiere decir que el juego no tenga ningún contenido, al contrario tiene varias cosas interesantes que podemos mostraros, pero no en este momento. ya que queremos sorprenderte con una ola de contenido que tenemos y que está por llegar.

Solo ten paciencia, seguro que este próximo mes (si no tenemos intervenciones) llegará esa ola de contenido y esa sorpresa que tenemos preparada para ti.

Y finalmente, tenemos un twitter oficial y YouTube sobre (Flower Dynamics) si quieres tener un pequeño adelanto en estos meses sobre el juego, síguelos para estar más al tanto de lo que se avecina.



Eso fue todo de mi parte, hasta otro próximo blog, cuídense bien, adiós.

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Next up

Update: news, sketches, new finished eddy design, WEB art book and more.

Poster EDDY

I’m only posting this blog to remind you that I’m still working on the project :)


The game is being almost completely redone... There will be new information soon about the next major update of the game.

I plan to give this update a funny name.


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

GUYS Wilam is EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Redesign of eddy the rabbit.

Rat Race Production Update