The new version (v1.2) has a new sandbox level where we can learn and test many things in the future. As we are working on other titles as well, this level (and the game itself) is simple enough to try out new stuffs for our other future-released games, e.g. rain, day-night cycles, terrain optimalization, visual effects, performance optimalizations, etc.
You can download it here at gamejolt:
New features:
This version unfortunately (or not :D) doesn’t have any public in-game menu system. The reason is simple: we didn’t think this 1-level demo would need any in-game menu at all, so decided to leave it out from this release.
You are able to jump by pressing the Space button on keyboard or A button on Xbox 360 controller.
You can pause/unpause the game while the camera and respawn/restart functionality still work.
The time attack part is out from the game because this project is going to be some kind of sandbox forour other games, so it became unnecessary at this point.
You can increase/decrease the size of your character affecting your acceleration and manouver capability, of course.
The player character changed. Now it has a new texture which uses more layers.
The rotation of the ring around the sphere got a maximum speed, making it a little more realistic when turning or looking to a new direction quickly.
The GUI got a speedometer.
The camera got a little Motion blur, but not much :)